
Whitehorse Activities Club (Inc. No. A0011987K)


The Whitehorse Activities Club organises a variety of activities for its members. Most activities charge a small weekly attendance fee to cover venue rental charges. These range from $2 to $8 depending on the activity and the venue.

Each activity is managed by a leader appointed by the Club. The leader ensures that the activity is run smoothly and conforms to all occupational health and safety regulations and club rules.

Part of the annual membership fee goes toward insurance which means all members are fully covered by insurance while taking part in an activity.

Activities are grouped into the following categories; exercise, games, cards, dancing, food and other. Please check out the activities in the attached document below. We are sure you will find something that interests you. Also attached below is a list of our venues with their full address. 

If you would like to find out more about an activity, contact us on waclubmembership@gmail.com