
Whitehorse Activities Club (Inc. No. A0011987K)


The Whitehorse Activities Club organises a variety of activities for its members. Most activities charge a small weekly attendance fee to cover venue rental charges. These range from $2 to $8 depending on the activity and the venue.

Each activity is managed by a leader appointed by the Club. The leader ensures that the activity is run smoothly and conforms to all occupational health and safety regulations and club rules.

Part of the annual membership fee goes toward insurance which means all members are fully covered by insurance while taking part in an activity.

Activities are grouped into the following categories; exercise, games, cards, dancing, food and other. Please check out the activities in the attached document below. We are sure you will find something that interests you. Also attached below is a list of our venues with their full address. 

If you would like to find out more about an activity, contact us on waclubmembership@gmail.com


Activities by Day:


Billiards/Snooker Games Weekly; Monday 1:00pm - 4:00pm The Pines Seniors Citizens Centre, Blackburn

Bush Dance - Monday Dancing $2 Weekly; Monday 7:00pm - 9:00pm The Pines Blackburn Seniors Citizens Centre, Blackburn

Carpet Bowls Exercise $2 Monday 9:00am -12noon Mahoneys Pavilion

Golf Exercise Greens Fee & Equip Hire Monday 9:00am Morack Golf Club

Hand & Foot Monday Cards $0 4th Monday 12:30pm - 3:00pm Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Line Dance Beginner. Dancing $7 Weekly, Monday 9.30 - 11.30am East Doncaster Hall



Ballroom  Learn to Dance  - To be Advised

Table Tennis Tuesday AM Exercise Weekly, Tuesday 10.00am - 12noon Mahoneys Pavilion Table

Tennis Tuesday PM Exercise $2 Weekly; Tuesday 1pm - 4pm Mahoneys Pavilion



Badminton Exercise $3 Weekly, Wednesday 9:00am - 12noon Mahoneys Pavilion

Bolivia Cards $0 Monthly; 4th Wednesday 12:30pm - 3:30pm Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Bush Dance - Wednesday Dancing $4 1st & 3rd Wednesday 2:15pm - 4:15pm Forest Hill Hall

Gentle Exercise Exercise $8 Weekly; Wednesday 10:00am - 11:00am 1st Nunawading Scout Hall

Handcraft Other $0 Monthly, 1st Wednesday 1:00pm - 3:00pm Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Line Dance - Improver Wednesday Dancing $7 Weekly, Wednesday 9.30 -11.30am East Doncaster Hall

Luncheon Food Cost of food Monthly, 1st Wednesday 12noon Various

Pilates & Stretching For Seniors Exercise $7 Weekly, Wednesday 11.15am - 12.15pm Scout Hall

Solo Cards $0 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesday 12.30pm Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Table Tennis Wednesday PM Exercise $2 Weekly, Wednesday 1:00pm - 4:00pm Mahoneys Pavilion

Walking - mid-week Exercise $0 4th Wednesday of the month Wednesday Morning Outdoors



500 Cards Weekly: Thursday 12:30pm Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Ballroom - Social Thursday Dancing (Waitlist) $3 Weekly, Thursday 7.15pm The Hub

Chinese Cultural Dance Dancing $4 Weekly; Thursday 9:30am - 11:30am The Hub

Eat Out Food Cost of Food Monthly; 4th Thursday 6:00 PM Various Hotels

Info Tech Talk Other $0 Monthly, 4th Thursday 10am Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Line Dance Beginner/Improver Dancing $8 Weekly, Thursday 7:00pm - 9.30pm The Pines Senior Citizens Centre, Blackburn

Rummikub Games $0 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th Thursday 10am Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Scrabble Games $0 2nd & 4th Thursday 1 - 3pm Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Tennis. Exercise $110 annual Joining fee Weekly, Thursday 8am Vermont Tennis Club



Breakfast Club Food Cost of Breakfast Monthly; 2nd Friday 8:30am Cafe Oggi

Coffee Club Food Food Costs Weekly; Friday 10:30am - 11.30am Forest Hill Chase Hotel

Line Dance - Intermediate Dancing $7 Weekly, Friday 9.30am - 11.30am East Doncaster Hall

Mahjong Games $1 2nd & 4th Friday 1pm -3.30pm Whitehorse Community Resource Centre

Table Tennis Friday AM Exercise $2 Weekly, Friday 9.15am - 11.30am Mahoneys Pavilion

Table Tennis Friday PM Exercise $2 Weekly, Friday 1:00pm - 4:00pm Mahoneys Pavilion

Ten Pin Bowling Exercise $7:00 per game 1st, 3rd & 5th Friday 1.15pm Forest Hill Chase



Hand & Foot Saturday Cards $0 Monthly,1st Saturday 7:30pm Various Homes

Walking - Saturday Exercise $0 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturday 9.30am Various Locations



Ballroom - Sunday Dancing Weekly, Sunday 12 noon The Hub


Various Days:

Theatre Other Ticket price of Show Monthly, Various Days Various Times Various Theatres



Venues Information:

1st Nunawading Scout Hall Scout Hall 1 Mark Place, Nunwading, Vic 3131

Cafe Oggi Cafe Oggi 1 Lakeside Dr, Burwood East VIC 3151

East Doncaster Hall E/Doncaster Hall 1-5 Andersons Creek Rd, Doncaster East VIC 3109

Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre FHCSC 270 Canterbury Road, Forest Hill

Forest Hill Hall Forest Hill Hall Cnr Canterbury Rd & Springvale Road, Forest Hill 3131

Mahoneys Pavillion Pavillion Mahoneys Reserve, 138 Mahoneys Road, Forest Hill

Morack Public Golf Course Morack GC Cnr Morack Road & East Rd Vermont South 3133

Nunawading Community Hub The Hub 96-106 Springvale Road, Nunawading 3131

The Chase Hotel Chase Hotel Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre, 270 Canterbury Road Forest Hill 3131

The Pines Senior Citizens Centre Blackburn PSCC 45 Central Road, Blackburn 3130

Vermont Tennis Club Tennis Club 12 Nunkeri St, Vermont VIC 3133

Whitehorse Community Resource Centre WCRC Level 1, 79 Mahoneys Road, Forest Hill 3131


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